Thursday 20th April 2023
Lakes Entrance
Bream and the odd garfish can be found in the North and Cunninghame Arms using prawn and plastics. Surf beaches have salmon and tailor biting on pilchards and poppers. Offshore at Six Mile Reef and The Pines for gummies and flathead, the Front Reef has good sized snapper around the 40cm mark.
Lake Tyers
The main lake is fishing well, especially off the banks and drop offs. Bream around the 42cm mark are being landed using plastics and peeled prawn. Also try around Mission Point and Mill Point. Water temp is 19⁰.
Mitchell River
From the Grassy Banks to the river mouth for bream chasing local prawn and spinner crab. Tailor are in Lake King as well as Lake Victoria biting on lures.
Tambo River
Bream can be found from The Blue Hole to Punthouse Point and heading down to the river mouth, best results with local prawn and spider crab.
Between the Two Bridges, around the Swimming Hole and down to the river mouth for bream taking drifting prawn and soft plastics.
Town jetties have juvenile bream on local prawn, Give Chinamans Creek and Box’s Creek a try as well.
Give the town jetties a go for bream with local prawn. Newlands Arm and Sunset Drive for bream and flathead.
Holland's Landing
Try the Strait’s, Storm Point to Steel Bay and down to Wattle Point, for bream, flathead and mullet, preferred baits being whitebait, prawn, cut pilchard and worm.
The Snowy and Brodribb River’s as well as the estuaries are producing a good variety of fish. Surf beaches for salmon and tailor on blue bait, lures, poppers and pilchards.
Bemm River
In the lake and channel for bream. Tailor and flathead are active biting on blades, soft plastics and prawn.
Tamboon Inlet
The river for bream, using soft plastics and prawn. Surf beaches have salmon and tailor.
Town jetties for a mixed bag, top and bottom lakes for bream and flathead. Surf beaches for salmon and tailor taking pilchards and poppers, offshore also has a mixed bag.
Omeo High Country
With the recent rains, all the rivers are fishing well, as a result drifting worm, spinners, gold and silver wobblers and fly patents will give the best results.
For the latest information on the current Algae situation and ‘do not eat shellfish’ advisory, please refer to the DEECA Water website: and the DEECA Customer Service Centre on 136186. Compiled and transmitted by East Gippsland Visitor Information Centres.
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