East Gippsland acknowledges the Gunaikurnai, Monero and the Bidawel people as the Traditional Custodians of the land that encompasses East Gippsland Shire. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in East Gippsland, their Elders past and present.

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East Gippsland Fishing Report - Thursday 23rd November 2023

Thursday 23rd of November, 2023

Lakes Entrance 377122160 858179062705178 338609238004039780 n 1

Cunninghame Arm for Kingfish, flathead and bream, some snapper and King George
whiting are also around. Surf beaches for salmon, trevally and tailor, offshore at Six Mile Reef have pinkies, Pipeline for snapper, flathead and gummies are around Pettmans Beach.

Lake Tyers

For flathead try around the shallow structures, sandy banks and around the Glasshouse area, bream are active around the island and up into Nowa Nowa Arm. Best results on soft shell, cut crab and prawn.

Mitchell River

The back water, Highway bridge and The Old Butter Factory for bream, using soft shell,
plastics and prawn, also give the Grassy Banks, The Cut, the river mouth and Eagle Point Bay a look.

Tambo River

From the Log Hole, Blue Hole, Burns Flat, Punthouse Point, Three Gums into TamboBay and The Snags for bream biting on plastics, shrimp and soft shell.


The Junction, Strait Six, Two Bridges and down to the Swimming Hole and into Jones Bay for bream, perch and flathead, with drifting baits, and soft plastics.


 King George whiting are up in the Nungurner and Metung areas, preferred bait are pipis, worm and mussels.


Whiting can be found around the back side of Raymond Island, the town jetties, The Straits, Carstairs Bank and Bunga Arm.

Holland's Landing

Give Blonde Bay, Emu Bight and Wattle Point a try for bream, mullet, flathead and the odd luderick using peeled prawn.


Luderick and bream are active around the islands, chasing soft plastics and prawn. On the incoming tide for salmon and tailor, with metal lures, Surf beaches have tailor, salmon and the odd gummy.

Bemm River

The entrance is closed, bream, flathead and salmon are to be had on local prawn.

Tamboon Inlet

The river is still producing nice bream, taking cut crab and shrimp. Flathead are biting on soft plastics. The entrance is still open, salmon and tailor are chasing lures.


Both the lakes are producing nice sized bream and flathead, best results with plastics. worm and prawn. Also give the town jetties and Harrisons Channel a go. Surf beaches have salmon and tailor, offshore for a mixed bag.

Omeo High Country

All the rivers are active landing good sized fish chasing fly patterns, wobblers, Celta spinners and drifting earth worm.


For the latest information on any current Algae situation, please refer to the DEECA Water website: https://www.water.vic.gov.au/waterways-and-catchments/rivers-estuaries-andwaterways/blue-green-algae and the DEECA Customer Service Centre on 136186. Compiled and transmitted by East Gippsland Visitor Information Centres. For information for your holiday, conference or event, contact us on 1800 637 060 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.visiteastgippsland.com.au/fishingreport Please note that both the Lakes Entrance and Bairnsdale Visitor Information Centres are Agents for Issuing Recreational Fishing Licenses.

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