East Gippsland acknowledges the Gunaikurnai, Monero and the Bidawel people as the Traditional Custodians of the land that encompasses East Gippsland Shire. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in East Gippsland, their Elders past and present.

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East Gippsland Fishing Report - Thursday 19th October 2023

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Thursday 12th of October, 2023

Lakes Entrance 

Whiting can be found in Cunningham Arm, around the town jetties, Kalimna Jetty up to Nungurner and around the Islands, using pipis. Surf beaches for salmon, tailor and trevally on pilchards. Offshore at Six Mile Reef has pinkies, flathead and gummies closer to the beach.

Lake Tyers

There is bream and flathead to be had mainly at Mill Point and Blackfellows Arm, best results using plastics. Water temperature is sitting around 19 - 20 degrees.

Mitchell River

From the Grassy Banks, The Bluff, Two Bells and heading down to the river mouth, using soft shell, prawn and plastics. Also give the back waters a try.

Tambo River

The Cliffs, Blue Hole, the Powerlines, onto the Poplars, Clues Bluff, down to the river mouth and The Snags are the best spots for bream, mullet and tailor chasing plastics, soft shell and prawn.


For bream try the Strait Six, down to the Two Bridges, Swimming Hole and into the river mouth, preferred baits drifting local prawn (across the weed beds), lazer, raider and slender metal lures, soft shell and cut crab.


Town jetties for small bream with prawn. For whiting give Nungurner Jetty a go on pipis.


Bream and the odd mullet are around the town jetties. Bream, flathead and garfish can be found on the Southern side of Raymond Island.

Holland's Landing

Mullet, bream and flathead are being caught around Blonde Bay, Cameron Point, Storm Point and Emu Bight.


The Snowy and Brodribb Rivers for luderick and bass. Motts Beach and Frenchs Narrows has bream and flathead, the incoming tide for salmon biting on metal lures. Surf beaches have salmon, Cape Conran for gummies.

Bemm River

The entrance is still closed, bream are in the channel, best baits being sandworm and local prawn.

Tamboon Inlet

Bream can be found in the river using cut crab and prawn. On the incoming tide for tailor and salmon. There is still plenty of pinkies to be had, biting on prawn.


Top and bottom lakes, Harrisons Channel, Gipsy Point and The Junction for flathead and bream taking plastics, soft shell and prawn.

Omeo High Country

 All the rivers are starting to clear up and are producing good sized fish chasing drifting earthworm, fly patents, spinners, plastics and wobblers.


For the latest information on any current Algae situation, please refer to the DEECA Water website: https://www.water.vic.gov.au/waterways-and-catchments/rivers-estuaries-andwaterways/blue-green-algae and the DEECA Customer Service Centre on 136186. Compiled and transmitted by East Gippsland Visitor Information Centres. For information for your holiday, conference or event, contact us on 1800 637 060 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.visiteastgippsland.com.au/fishingreport Please note that both the Lakes Entrance and Bairnsdale Visitor Information Centres are Agents for Issuing Recreational Fishing Licenses.

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